Classroom Furniture

Elizabeth Richards flexible classroom furniture and rugs have numerous benefits for both teachers and students. Our flexible furniture and rug collections have been designed to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners and activities, allowing for flexibility in classroom setup and use. This flexibility can help to maximise the use of classroom space and provide opportunities for collaboration, movement, and exploration. Additionally, Elizabeth Richards flexible classroom furniture and rugs are of the highest standards, durable and easy to maintain. By investing in Elizabeth Richards flexible classroom furniture and rugs, you will create a welcoming and adaptable flexible learning environment that supports the needs and interests of your students. read more...

50 Products

Classroom Furniture

First Aid Trolley - Non-Adjustable Frame
Available soon
Available soon First aid trolley - non-adjustable frame
$263.95 $239.95 Ex. GST
Numeracy centre - non-adjustable frame
$527.95 $479.95 Ex. GST

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